Thursday, December 10, 2009

PowerPoint Presentation...

Your presentation must be 10 slides (12 including an Introduction and Conclusion Slide), and must run approximately 10 minutes in length.
The presentation topic is up to you (but it must be appropriate)!

Items that must be included in your PowerPoint Presentation:

*Different Colored Backgrounds
*Multiple uses of fonts
*At least 1 item from Clip Art
*Slide Transitions
*Use of a picture (not from Clip Art) as a Background
*At least 1 picture (not from Clip Art)
*Insert at least 1 hyperlink
*Insert at least 1 video
*Custom Animations, Including:
*Motion Path
*At least 1 Timed Animation

Remember to:
*Use a color scheme for your backgrounds and fonts that are pleasing to the eye for your audience and not distracting.
*Not have too many words on one slide.
*Make sure that any of the words you are putting on the screen are easily read.
*Make sure your presentation is approximately 10 minutes in length.
*Not give too much information per slide, or too little.
*Keep your audience entertained so that they will maintain interest in your presentation.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Google Docs

Google docs is a new and very convenient website for storing files online. You can store different types of files such as word documents and other text documents, and you can also edit them right on the site.It is free and also allows you to do spreadsheets and PowerPoint's. Not only are these files accessible to the person who uploaded them, but if there is someone else that needs to use that same document, they can go on and edit it as well.Google docs can be very helpful for business use too. Companies that work on projects and multiple employees are sending different files in emails each time that are correcting something or adding on, it can get confusing. With google docs, this is much easier. Instead of email attachments one person can start the project on google docs and just let everyone edit it on the site. Once it is started, you can invite whoever else you need to work on it as well, all in the same document. This is a lot more efficient and there is lees room for error because it eliminates all of the attachments and tons of copies of the same document. Google docs can also makes storage of documents much easier. Instead of carrying around thumb drive and other portable devices, you can just save files to google docs. Then you can access the file from any computer over the Internet. Google docs is more of a file storage website then a social networking site, there are no real social, news or entertainment functions.


LinkedIn is a social networking site that is mostly used for business. like other social networking sites where people create their own page of information to show to others, only these pages contain mostly information about a persnons business. The main funcition of the website is to help people connect with other users in order to accomplish something for their business. To create your LinkedIn page, you display the information that people would need to know about you and what your business does. When this information is available it is very easy to be connected to someone who wants to use your business or someone that can help you with your business. You can search the LinkedIn for people of specific nature of work so that you can find someone that would beneifit your business the most. People can also search and find you if you match what their looking for. This is good marketing for your business and can become very benefical and easy. Companies can find new investors or venture capitalist if their company is just starting, advertisers to help publizie their company, or just new clients. You can also post listings for jobs to find someone qualified enough for what you need. It is a more efficent and easier way then using a paper or signs. Since people are using computers more these days, marketing on them is becoming more benifical. Like other sites, once you create your page, anyone can look at it, because of this you might get many offers and requests that do not fit your need and are not what you are looking for. Businesses will market to anyone they can if its free so this could become very annoying. Because it is meant mainly for business, there aren't many social, entertainment or news benefits of this website.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Myspace and Facebook are two of the most popular social networking sites. They have grown in popularity in the past couple of years and are still the powerhouses of the social networking industry. If you ask anyone if they have a Facebook, chances are they’ll say yes. Facebook is popular for the regular everyday person and especially the younger generation. Myspace has become more popular for music and advertisements, but it started the revolution of the social networking sites. Even though Facebook took over Myspace is still doing well for itself.
Businesses benefit from using Myspace and Facebook. The main reason they are popular for business is that they are a free way to advertise. To benefit more from using them you can pay to have an ad on Facebook or Myspace. The benefit of having your ad on these sites is that so many people go on these sites daily and they attract a variety of different people that will satisfy any business. A business can send out an event on Facebook which can spread the word of an event or promotion very easily and fast. Myspace has recently been used mostly to market music and up and coming bands.
Facebook and Myspace have helped the entertainment industry. People can become fans of anything on Facebook and it helps people become more aware of news movies coming out and others sorts of entertainment. Myspace, which is more known for music does sort of the same thing. They will advertise shows in your area and where bands are playing. Since everyone is on these sites it is very easy to spread the word.

Fav Holiday

My favorite holiday is Christmas. I love the winter and I love the scenery of Christmas. I like doing all of the traditional Christmas things such as decorating the house, making cookies, and going to the city.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Report Card

My 1st quarter grades were good. Not as good as I wanted them to be but there not bad. My parents are happy with how I did and I'm kind of happy with them. The new grading scale made my GPA look worse then it really is but im not too worried about it. I'll have a happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 23, 2009


I dont really have any family traditions for thanksgiving. My family just has a dinner at my aunts house and we just hang out and watch football. We have a normal thanksgiving dinner and usually play poker.