Tuesday, December 1, 2009


LinkedIn is a social networking site that is mostly used for business. like other social networking sites where people create their own page of information to show to others, only these pages contain mostly information about a persnons business. The main funcition of the website is to help people connect with other users in order to accomplish something for their business. To create your LinkedIn page, you display the information that people would need to know about you and what your business does. When this information is available it is very easy to be connected to someone who wants to use your business or someone that can help you with your business. You can search the LinkedIn for people of specific nature of work so that you can find someone that would beneifit your business the most. People can also search and find you if you match what their looking for. This is good marketing for your business and can become very benefical and easy. Companies can find new investors or venture capitalist if their company is just starting, advertisers to help publizie their company, or just new clients. You can also post listings for jobs to find someone qualified enough for what you need. It is a more efficent and easier way then using a paper or signs. Since people are using computers more these days, marketing on them is becoming more benifical. Like other sites, once you create your page, anyone can look at it, because of this you might get many offers and requests that do not fit your need and are not what you are looking for. Businesses will market to anyone they can if its free so this could become very annoying. Because it is meant mainly for business, there aren't many social, entertainment or news benefits of this website.

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