Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Myspace and Facebook are two of the most popular social networking sites. They have grown in popularity in the past couple of years and are still the powerhouses of the social networking industry. If you ask anyone if they have a Facebook, chances are they’ll say yes. Facebook is popular for the regular everyday person and especially the younger generation. Myspace has become more popular for music and advertisements, but it started the revolution of the social networking sites. Even though Facebook took over Myspace is still doing well for itself.
Businesses benefit from using Myspace and Facebook. The main reason they are popular for business is that they are a free way to advertise. To benefit more from using them you can pay to have an ad on Facebook or Myspace. The benefit of having your ad on these sites is that so many people go on these sites daily and they attract a variety of different people that will satisfy any business. A business can send out an event on Facebook which can spread the word of an event or promotion very easily and fast. Myspace has recently been used mostly to market music and up and coming bands.
Facebook and Myspace have helped the entertainment industry. People can become fans of anything on Facebook and it helps people become more aware of news movies coming out and others sorts of entertainment. Myspace, which is more known for music does sort of the same thing. They will advertise shows in your area and where bands are playing. Since everyone is on these sites it is very easy to spread the word.

Fav Holiday

My favorite holiday is Christmas. I love the winter and I love the scenery of Christmas. I like doing all of the traditional Christmas things such as decorating the house, making cookies, and going to the city.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Report Card

My 1st quarter grades were good. Not as good as I wanted them to be but there not bad. My parents are happy with how I did and I'm kind of happy with them. The new grading scale made my GPA look worse then it really is but im not too worried about it. I'll have a happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 23, 2009


I dont really have any family traditions for thanksgiving. My family just has a dinner at my aunts house and we just hang out and watch football. We have a normal thanksgiving dinner and usually play poker.

Friday, November 20, 2009


My report card should be pretty good. If we had the old grading system I proabably have done better because the minuises are killing my average. But I'm not too upset with my grades expect for two of my classes which i got B's in but deserved A's or at least a B+.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

1. Business
2. Social
3. Entertainment
4. News
5. Recreational

What was your best vacations ever?

I haven't gone on many vacations but my favorite so far was going to the University of South Carolina. I flew into North Carolina and visited Charlotte for a day. Then I went to the University and got to stay in the presidents mansion with the president of the University. I got a private tour of the school with the president and got to see his office. I then got to see him get sworn into the the role of the president of the University. Throughout the vacation we got to do a lot of cool things with the president and got to meet some interesting people. We went to a black tie event and I meet one of the deans of the United States Naval Academy.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Johnny Caulfield
Critical Analysis of Twitter
Titter is a website that answers the common question “what are you doing,” for friends, family, and co-workers. It is a social networking site that was created by 10 people in San Francisco. People who use Twitter are called “tweeters” and the messages that they send are called “tweets”. The message size is limited to 140 characters to keep the tweets short and simple to have the site flow better and for people to not waste time reading long messages.

Twitter is very good for business use. Twitter is free and simple to use which is ideal for businesses because it is a cheap and effective form of networking. Businesses can follow other businesses that are similar to them or ones that they do business with. Employees can also follow their company and receive updates. Posting a tweet at times could be more productive then sending out a memo or trying to get something across to the entire company. The only negative could be that your employer could see tweets from your personal life and could conflict with your job.
Twitter is also good for social aspects, it is a social networking site. It is very popular for famous people such as athletes. They can tweet how they did in a game or even while they are on the bench in the game. They can update how they did or if they have something important such as a clothing line or broke a record.
The entertainment world can also benefit from Twitter. Actors and Actresses use it often. They can tweet about new movies they are going to play in and other information about their life. People are always reading magizines and waching the new to find out what celebrities are doing. Twitter is a faster way to spread news and find out about celebrities. The news and magizines are also known for making stuff up and taking things out of proportion. If you are getting the information straight from the celebrity, you know the information is true.

News has beneifited from Twitter by getting news out faster. If something happens you can tweet it on your phone seconds after it happens. It happened last year when the plane landed into the hudson. A man tweeted it on his phone before a news team even got there. Even though somethings may be true you can't always believe everything you read on twitter, but the same goes for the news.


My favorite sports teams are the Yankees, Jets, Islanders, and Knicks. I'll listen to any type of music expect country. I like to play sports and go to the gym. I'm studying to become a personal trainner and I am intering with a nutritionist. I'm a health freak and have an extremely strick diet so I don't eat at resturants often. When I do I get sushi which is one of my favorite things to eat.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Welcome to my blog, this blog is going to be awesome!