Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Johnny Caulfield
Critical Analysis of Twitter
Titter is a website that answers the common question “what are you doing,” for friends, family, and co-workers. It is a social networking site that was created by 10 people in San Francisco. People who use Twitter are called “tweeters” and the messages that they send are called “tweets”. The message size is limited to 140 characters to keep the tweets short and simple to have the site flow better and for people to not waste time reading long messages.

Twitter is very good for business use. Twitter is free and simple to use which is ideal for businesses because it is a cheap and effective form of networking. Businesses can follow other businesses that are similar to them or ones that they do business with. Employees can also follow their company and receive updates. Posting a tweet at times could be more productive then sending out a memo or trying to get something across to the entire company. The only negative could be that your employer could see tweets from your personal life and could conflict with your job.
Twitter is also good for social aspects, it is a social networking site. It is very popular for famous people such as athletes. They can tweet how they did in a game or even while they are on the bench in the game. They can update how they did or if they have something important such as a clothing line or broke a record.
The entertainment world can also benefit from Twitter. Actors and Actresses use it often. They can tweet about new movies they are going to play in and other information about their life. People are always reading magizines and waching the new to find out what celebrities are doing. Twitter is a faster way to spread news and find out about celebrities. The news and magizines are also known for making stuff up and taking things out of proportion. If you are getting the information straight from the celebrity, you know the information is true.

News has beneifited from Twitter by getting news out faster. If something happens you can tweet it on your phone seconds after it happens. It happened last year when the plane landed into the hudson. A man tweeted it on his phone before a news team even got there. Even though somethings may be true you can't always believe everything you read on twitter, but the same goes for the news.

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